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Online Workshop „Osteoanthropology of Children“
26. Februar 2021
Our online workshop on the topic “Osteoanthropology of Children” (Kinderskelette) will take place in less than one month, on February 26th, 2021. Today, we send you the program of the meeting. We are happy to announce a total of 16 presentations from researchers from all around Europe and beyond. They present various topics on the anthropology of children, ranging from new methods of sex estimation in skeletal remains of children, through bioarchaeological and palaeopathological studies from different geographical and chronological contexts, up to biological and social aspects which impact physical growth and development.
The registration for own presentations is closed now. However, interested colleagues who would like to participate can still register via email until Sunday, February 21st, 2021 (contact Kristina Scheelen-Novacek: k.scheelen@uni-hildesheim.de or Lukas Waltenberger: lukas.waltenberger@oeaw.ac.at). Please note that the number of participants is limited to 100 due to maximum capacity of the zoom account. The zoom link and further instructions will be sent to all registered participants shortly before the workshop, during the last week of February 2021.
Program APPA Online Workshop Osteoanthropology of Children 2021
We are very much looking forward to our interesting workshop and, of course, meeting all of you (at least online) again after such long time of shutdown!
Yours sincerely,
Kristina Scheelen-Novacek & Lukas Waltenberger
(spokespersons of the APPA)